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can't run mail-cube with emulator on ubuntu 16.04

FATAL - GLES: (checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glUniformSubroutinesuiv' in '' (required for version of GL)!

FATAL - GLES: (checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glProgramUniformMatrix2dv' in '' (required for version of GL)!

FATAL - GLES: (checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glUniform3d' in '' (required for version of GL)!

FATAL - GLES: (checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv' in '' (required for version of GL)!

FATAL - GLES: (checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glProgramUniform3f' in '' (required for version of GL)!


FATAL - GLES: (checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glVertexAttribL3d' in '' (required for version of GL)!

FATAL - GLES: (checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glDeleteProgramPipelines' in '' (required for version of GL)!

FATAL - GLES: (checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glGetProgramResourceiv' in '' (required for version of GL)!

GL renderer: [Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2) ]

GL vendor:[Intel Open Source Technology Center]

GL version: [3.0 Mesa 11.2.0]

GL shading language version: [1.30]

FATAL - GL33Backend: (bindGLTextureToTargetAndTextureUnit 1369) Could not bind texture. This should never happen. Catastrophic GLES-GL desynchronisation is about to occur. GLError = 0x0500

FATAL - Exception thrown in egl::IApi::eglMakeCurrent -> Underlying OpenGL error in GL33Backend. See Fatal error logs for full details. This is probably a programming error, so please report it

FATAL - GL33Backend: (bindGLTextureToTargetAndTextureUnit 1369) Could not bind texture. This should never happen. Catastrophic GLES-GL desynchronisation is about to occur. GLError = 0x0500

FATAL - Exception thrown in GLES32Api::glGetString -> Underlying OpenGL error in GL33Backend. See Fatal error logs for full details. This is probably a programming error, so please report it

glGetError() = 1280 at line 78 of main.cpp

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it is run with OpenGL ES Emuloator v3.0.1 on Ubuntu 16.04

so many error

How do I fix it?