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Is there any libMali skeleton

Hi !

I have successfully installed my favourite Linux distribution on my device , which has Mali 400 MP4. It works fine except GPU. The kernel modules are working OK, but I have no userspace library. Where to search for libMali skeleton that I could modify and build myself ?

Thanks in advance


  • Hi tjeruzalski,

    Unfortunately, the userspace driver is proprietary so there is no way to 'build' your own without licensing the DDK first.

    The official method to obtain appropriate userspace drivers is to contact your hardware manufacturer, for example if it is a Samsung device, you should contact Samsung for the drivers.

    If it is a development board, rather than a production device, this is usually a lot easier to do. For example Linaro or HardKernel to name a few, produce development boards and release the userspace drivers along with them.

    We do try to help by producing 'vanilla' userspace drivers (without much of the secret sauce companies licensing our DDK add to it that is specific to their board/device) and upload for free on our website, so you may find that useful:

    ARM Mali Utgard GPU series User Space Drivers

    However do note that if you do not match the correct hardware revision for the device, and kernel side version, there is no guarantee that it will function as intended, if at all.

    I hope that helps.

    Kind Regards,

    Michael McGeagh

  • Thank you for your response. So if I'm not wrong the only way to build or modify is licensing DDK ? Howto achive this ?

    Thanks in advance,
