Cannot generate Performance Advisor html

I'm trying to generate Performance Advisor(html) with Unity debuggable sample application, but facing "Cannot find any frames" error.

Arm Performance Studio : 2024.1
Device : Android 12

(1) Execute
C:\Program Files\Arm\Arm Performance Studio 2024.1\streamline\bin\android>python --lwi-mode=counters
Searching for devices:
Select a device:
Auto-selected XXXXX / YYYYY
Searching for debuggable packages:
2 packages found
Select a debuggable packages:
1) com.DefaultCompany.Myproject
2) com.unity.template.urpsample
0) Exit script
Select entry: 1
Selected com.unity.template.urpsample
Searching for an Arm GPU:
Mali-G57 GPU found
Installing OpenGL ES debug layer
Manual steps:
1) Configure and profile using Streamline
2) Press <Enter> here after capture has completed to finish.
Waiting for data capture ...

(2) Capture on Streamline(9.1.0)
Select "com.DefaultCompany.Myproject" on Streamline, then click start capture.
After about 60 sec, stop capture button.

>Pulling capture from device
>Disabling OpenGL ES debug layer
This log is output when type Enter command on terminal.

(3) Execute Streamline-cli.exe
C:\Program Files\Arm\Arm Performance Studio 2024.1\streamline>Streamline-cli.exe -pa <apc folder>\unityapp_003.apc --directory=<log folder>\PerformanceAdvisorLog --application-name="unityapp_003" --device-name="DevDevice"
Importing capture...
Fetching data...
Preparing report type html...
WARNING: The series "Draw calls" could not be found.
Ensure that you are running a capture made with a matching version of Streamline and that all the expression values in your report configuration are correct.
WARNING: The series "Draw calls" could not be found.
Ensure that you are running a capture made with a matching version of Streamline and that all the expression values in your report configuration are correct.
Problems were found preparing html report:
WARNING: Build name not provided. You can add this as a command line argument (use --build-name).
WARNING: Build timestamp not provided. You can add this as a command line argument (use --build-timestamp).
ERROR: Cannot find any frames. Please refer to the user guide for methods of providing frame data to Performance Advisor.

Please help to share solution 

  • Hi Hiroki, my name is Connor, I work at Arm as an engineer on the Streamline tool.
    A few things I'd like to check:

    1) You are running with the OpenGL ES debug layer, is your application you want to profile using the GLES API? Could it be that you should be using the Vulkan Debug Layer?
    2) If the app is using GLES, can you please open the capture in Streamline GUI, do you see any charts for Frame Rate, Draw Calls per Frame etc.?
    3) On the timeline tab in the Streamline GUI, if you click at the bottom where there is a drop down list (usually set to "Heat Map" by default), can you see if the "Performance Advisor" option is available in that list?

    If you cannot see a frame rate graph or the performance advisor view in that list, that would explain why PA could not generate a report. The script has not been able to successfully get frame data.

    Please let me know about these things.

    Can I also suggest that you update to the latest version of Streamline (v9.3.1, in Arm Performance Studio 2024.5) just to ensure the tool is the most up to date it can be.


  • Hi Connor,
    Thanks so much for prompt reply !!

    Sorry, I may not understand, you mean Streamline & Performance Advisor supports either GLES or Vulkan API ?
    I'm using Unity sample application(2d-platformer) in order to know how Performance Advisor works.
    I don't modify any code of it, just utilize this sample app with debuggable build.
    Not sure detail which API this application is using.
    Do I need to indicate GLES or Vulkan by script options ?
    I cannot find Frame Rate and Draw Calls per Frame...
    May I know how to enable it ?
    I only can see "Heatmap", "Core map", "Sample", "Process", "Mali Timeline" in drop down list on Streamline GUI.

    Noted, I'll try again on latest version.

  • Thanks Hiroki, yes so we support both Vulkan and GLES API. In you can specify which API you would like to enable the debug layers for, in the output you sent, you can see GLES is being used as it says: "Installing OpenGL ES debug layer".
    To specify a specific layer you can use: --lwi-api.

    Try this with both --lwi-api "gles" and --lwi-api "vulkan" and see if you can get frame data.

    It is worth pointing out that in the newer version of Performance Studio, automatically gets data for both GLES and Vulkan, and therefore specifying --lwi-api is not required.

    Let me know how this goes!

  • Hi Connor,
    Thanks for your explanation.

    Arm Performance Studio : 2024.1
    I can see framerate related data("Frame Rate", "Workloads / Frame", "Draw Calls / Frame") on Streamline GUI by applying "--lwi-api vulkan" option, and generate Performance Advisor successfully ! It means I guess my Unity sample app is using Vulkan not GLES API.
    Arm Performance Studio : 2024.5
    I also can get framerate related data without "--lwi-api" option.

    I understand that I used old version Streamline and I referred latest version Streamline documentation, that's why I faced this issue.
    Thanks so much for updating to useful tools.

    BTW, in case of System profiling, framerate related data couldn't be got in my understanding.
    It will be supported in the future for System profiling ?

    Best Regards

  • I don't believe we have any plans to support this in the near future!