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Create Android activity file for Mali OpenCL Samples


I am having the Mali Opencl SDK v1.1.0

I want to run those samples in Android.

I am having OpenCL libraries so that s not an issue.

But i want to generate the activity files and native files for the corresponding cpp files.

Plse help me out.


  • Hi Aravind,

    What you need is to create an Android NDK application.  These allow you to call code written in C++ from a standard Android framework application  You can download the NDK here... Android NDK | Android Developers

    The download includes a number of sample NDK-based applications which should help get you started.  The simplest of these is the "hello-jni"sample which includes everything you need to setup a basic framework.  You could use this as your starting point for your own OpenCL-based application.  The above link also has some really useful guidance for getting started with the NDK.

    Hope that helps,


  • Thanks Mr Tim for your reply

    I have downloaded the ndk already and i will try with the hello-jni.

    Another question- can i run the OpenCL <sample.cpp> file as it is using gcc in my laptop itself ?

    I am having the OpenCL library installed from device so can i run as native application ?

    P.S I tried it but it is asking for cl/CL.h header which i cant locate in my laptop.


  • Hi Aravind,

    There is no reason in principle that you shouldn't be able to build and run the OpenCL samples on your laptop - all you need are suitable drivers and CL headers.  You would need to check the make of the GPU in your laptop and see if such a driver is available, or indeed whether there is a driver that will allow OpenCL to run on whatever CPU you are using.  This is all going to be dependent on the particular hardware specification of your laptop, and a question you would need to ask the manufacturers of the GPU or CPU.

    Hope that helps,


  • Thanks  Tim for ur response.

    I hv actually pulled the openCL library from the Mali T-628 gpu ( Odroid-xu3) and i hv installed in my laptop.But as ur saying my lap doesnt hv a gpu so trying to run the OpenCL code will not be a good idea as the very objective of OpenCL i.e better compute wont be achieved.

    So if I want to run the cpp file in the Odroid-xu3 ( there are no problems of drivers here ) what should i do ?

    Is it enough if i just transfer the file to the board and then run?



  • Hi Aravind,

    The from your Odroid is built for ARM and Android, so it is binary incompatible with your X86 Windows/Linux laptop, regardless of GPU.



  • Thks Chris.

    So if I want to run the cpp file in the Odroid-xu3 ( there are no problems of drivers here ) what should i do ?

    Is it enough if i just transfer the file to the board and then run?



  • You'll need to build a binary for your device using the NDK toolchains available, and then run that on the device. You won't be able to run the .cpp file without compiling it first and you won't be able to run any binary you've compiled with the host GCC toolchain either as this will be binary incompatible with the development platform.



  • To clarify,

    The Mali OpenCL SDK currently only supports Linux. It will not run on Android out of the box.

    For your later questions about running your sources on the device, you have to cross compile the sources on your host to run on the target. This is what the Android NDK does.

    I hope that helps.

    Kind Regards,

    Michael McGeagh

  • Thanks Chris.

    ndk-build NDK_APP_APPLICATION_MK=<file> --> rebuild, using a specific pointed to by the NDK_APP_APPLICATION_MK command-line variable.


    APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a

    APP_PLATFORM := android-19

    APP_STL := gnustl_static

    APP_CPPFLAGS += -fexceptions -frtti.


    Will this work?

    Alternatively,I boot Odroid-xu3 in Ubuntu and then install Mali SDK and compile the cpp sources. Will it run?

  • Thanks Michael.

    Can u plse see if the following will help.

    ndk-build NDK_APP_APPLICATION_MK=<file> --> rebuild, using a specific pointed to by the NDK_APP_APPLICATION_MK command-line variable.


    APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a

    APP_PLATFORM := android-19

    APP_STL := gnustl_static

    APP_CPPFLAGS += -fexceptions -frtti.


    Will this work?

    Alternatively,I boot Odroid-xu3 in Ubuntu and then install Mali SDK and compile the cpp sources. Will it run?

  • This thread is now a duplicate of Run OpenCL sample in Android

    As that thread has more information and discussions, please refer to that thread in future.


  • Would you like this thread locked to make sure people reply to the other one?

  • Yes please, that will prevent diverging conversations that could lead to confusion.

    Thanks Alban.