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Application using Mali_OpenGL_ES_Emulator-v3 crashes on close

The OpenGL ES emulator is a very good thing - it is convenient to debug most of an application on Windows, not on hardware.
But I have a problem - when I close the application window in Windows (running from Visual Studio 2019 debugger), the application crashes in some system dll. This is inconvenient.

I want to see how to write applications that work on Windows correctly, maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Unfortunately, I have not found the source code of the example "Mali Cube". Where can I download it?

Perhaps there are some other examples that use Mali_OpenGL_ES_Emulator-v3 and compile for Visual Studio 2019?

  • Hi npr10,

    The emulator isn't really getting any updates, so I don't think we've tested it with VS2019. Can you confirm:

    • What Windows build you have?
    • What graphics card you have?
    • What graphics driver version you have?
    • Was the test application you were testing the cube sample shipped with the installer?
    • Which entry point was crashing, and what's the backtrace?


  • I'm using Windows 7 professional v6.1 build 7601 sp1

    Intel HD graphics 530, driver version

    When I close the my application, it crashes (after exiting from main()):

    Exception thrown at 0x76F622E2 (ntdll.dll) in test.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000004.

    ntdll.dll!76f622e2()    Unknown
    ntdll.dll![Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]    Unknown
    [External Code]    

    It is possible that I did not correctly organize the integration of the OpenGL and Windows. Possibly wrong order of closing of various handles, etc. The mali-cube source code would help me a lot.

  • I found the source on github:
    The reason was that I did not release some resources (eglDestroySurface, eglDestroyContext). The issue has been resolved.