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mali_offline_compiler question

1、I found a strange problem, I tested the following two kernels , The main function and the two kernels are as follows.Test platform is Mali -T864.GlobalWorkSize=10000000(10M),The first takes 20ms and the second takes 15ms.


 * This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as
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 *    (C) COPYRIGHT 2013 ARM Limited
 * The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised
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 * by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited.

#include "common.h"
#include "image.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <CL/cl.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

 * \brief Basic integer array addition implemented in OpenCL.
 * \details A sample which shows how to add two integer arrays and store the result in a third array.
 *          The main calculation code is in an OpenCL kernel which is executed on a GPU device.
 * \return The exit code of the application, non-zero if a problem occurred.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    cl_int errorNumber;
    cl_device_id device = 0;
    cl_context context = 0;
    cl_command_queue commandQueue = 0;
    cl_program program = 0;
    cl_kernel kernel = 0;
    int numberOfMemoryObjects = 3;
    cl_mem memoryObjects[3] = {0, 0, 0};

    if (!createContext(&context))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed to create an OpenCL context. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    if (!createCommandQueue(context, &commandQueue, &device))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed to create the OpenCL command queue. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    if (!createProgram(context, device, "assets/", &program))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed to create OpenCL program." << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "hello_world_opencl", &errorNumber);
    if (!checkSuccess(errorNumber))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed to create OpenCL kernel. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;
    /* [Setup memory] */
    /* Number of elements in the arrays of input and output data. */
    cl_int arraySize = 10000000;

    /* The buffers are the size of the arrays. */
    size_t bufferSize = arraySize * sizeof(cl_int);
    float *tempA=new float[arraySize];
    float *tempB=new float[arraySize];
    for(int i=0;i<arraySize;i++)

     * Ask the OpenCL implementation to allocate buffers for the data.
     * We ask the OpenCL implemenation to allocate memory rather than allocating
     * it on the CPU to avoid having to copy the data later.
     * The read/write flags relate to accesses to the memory from within the kernel.
    bool createMemoryObjectsSuccess = true;
    memoryObjects[0] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY , bufferSize, NULL, &errorNumber);
    createMemoryObjectsSuccess &= checkSuccess(errorNumber);
    if (!checkSuccess(clFinish(commandQueue)))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed waiting for kernel execution to finish. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;
    //memoryObjects[0] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, bufferSize, NULL, &errorNumber);
    clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commandQueue, memoryObjects[0], CL_TRUE, 0, arraySize*sizeof(int), tempA, 0, NULL, NULL);
    if (!checkSuccess(clFinish(commandQueue)))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed waiting for kernel execution to finish. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;
    //TOC("mem1 ok");

    memoryObjects[1] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY , bufferSize, NULL, &errorNumber);
    createMemoryObjectsSuccess &= checkSuccess(errorNumber);
    if (!checkSuccess(clFinish(commandQueue)))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed waiting for kernel execution to finish. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commandQueue, memoryObjects[1], CL_TRUE, 0, arraySize*sizeof(int), tempB, 0, NULL, NULL);
    if (!checkSuccess(clFinish(commandQueue)))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed waiting for kernel execution to finish. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    memoryObjects[2] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, bufferSize, NULL, &errorNumber);
    createMemoryObjectsSuccess &= checkSuccess(errorNumber);

    if (!createMemoryObjectsSuccess)
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed to create OpenCL buffer. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;
    if (!checkSuccess(clFinish(commandQueue)))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed waiting for kernel execution to finish. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    /* [Set the kernel arguments] */
    bool setKernelArgumentsSuccess = true;
    setKernelArgumentsSuccess &= checkSuccess(clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &memoryObjects[0]));
    setKernelArgumentsSuccess &= checkSuccess(clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &memoryObjects[1]));
    setKernelArgumentsSuccess &= checkSuccess(clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &memoryObjects[2]));
    //TOC("set arguments");
    /* [Set the kernel arguments] */

    /* An event to associate with the Kernel. Allows us to retrieve profiling information later. */
    cl_event event = 0;

    size_t globalWorksize[1] = {arraySize};
    /* Enqueue the kernel */
    if (!checkSuccess(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, kernel, 1, NULL, globalWorksize, NULL, 0, NULL, &event)))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed enqueuing the kernel. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;
    /* [Global work size] */

    /* Wait for kernel execution completion. */

    //TOC("kernel ok");
    /* Print the profiling information for the event. */
    /* Release the event object. */
    if (!checkSuccess(clReleaseEvent(event)))
       cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
       cerr << "Failed releasing the event object. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
       return 1;

    /* Get a pointer to the output data. */
    cl_float* output = (cl_float*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(commandQueue, memoryObjects[2], CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, bufferSize, 0, NULL, NULL, &errorNumber);
    if (!checkSuccess(errorNumber))
       cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
       cerr << "Failed to map buffer. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
       return 1;

    /* [Output the results] */
    /* Uncomment the following block to print results. */
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        cout << "i = " << i << ", output = " <<  output[i] << "\n";
    /* [Output the results] */

    /* Unmap the memory object as we are finished using them from the CPU side. */
    if (!checkSuccess(clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(commandQueue, memoryObjects[2], output, 0, NULL, NULL)))
       cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
       cerr << "Unmapping memory objects failed " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
       return 1;

    /* Release OpenCL objects. */
    cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);

__kernel void hello_world_opencl(__global float* restrict inputA,
                                 __global float* restrict inputB,
                                 __global float* restrict output)
    int i = get_global_id(0);
    output[i] = inputA[i] + inputB[i];

__kernel void hello_world_opencl(__global float* restrict inputA,
                                 __global float* restrict inputB,
                                 __global float* restrict output)
    int i = get_global_id(0);
    output[i] = inputA[i]*2 + inputB[i];

2、I use mali_offline_compiler to profile them,the two are same shows below ,how to get Instructions Emmited and  Path Cycles?Why Instructions Emmited is twice than Longest Path Cycles ?And in my opinion, the L/S operation should be 3 times,Why four times here?

Mali Offline Compiler v7.0.0 (Build c38421)
Copyright 2007-2019 Arm Limited, all rights reserved
Hardware: Mali-T860 r2p0
Driver: Midgard r23p0-00rel0
Shader type: OpenCL Kernel (inferred)
Main shader
Work registers: 1
Uniform registers: 2
Stack spilling: False
   A L/S T Bound
Instructions Emitted: 2.0 4.0 0.0 L/S
Shortest Path Cycles: 1.0 4.0 0.0 L/S
Longest Path Cycles: 1.0 4.0 0.0 L/S
A = Arithmetic, L/S = Load/Store, T = Texture
Shader properties
Uniform computation: False

  • > Why Instructions Emmited is twice than Longest Path Cycles ?

    Mali-T860 has two arithmetic pipelines, so two instructions emitted can complete in a single cycle.

    > And 
    in my opinion, the L/S operation should be 3 times,Why four times here?

    Because the hardware needs 4 instructions =)

    In terms of making this shader faster, the best advice I can give is to make vector loads and stores, and have each work item operate on a vector of inputs and outputs. 

  • Thanks for your reply.

    But If the kernel has a loop body, then instructions emitted will less than cycle.

    I have tried using vector version,but it was slower.I think this kernel's bottle neck is band width.It doesn't matter wheather I use the vector version or not. 

  • But If the kernel has a loop body, then instructions emitted will less than cycle.

    Yes. Instructions emitted is the total length of the program, ignoring control flow and parallel pipeline issue. It doesn't tell you much about the performance, because both of those are obviously important.

    It doesn't matter whether I use the vector version or not.

    For performance, perhaps not, but fewer instructions is always good for energy efficiency.  

  • 1、In my understanding,if the bottleneck is ALU operation.According to the results of the Mali-offline analysis,I can use the formular: (globalWorkSize * cyclePerShaderCore)/Frequence.

    Such as this sample:globalWorkSize=121600,cyclePerShaderCore=20.5,Frequence is 800MHz.The kernel takes time (121600*20.5)/800000Hz≈0.00079s.Am I right?

    2、Actually,I tried vector version(30ms) cost more time than scalar version(25ms).From an efficiency standpoint, the scalar version of the kernel is higher than the vector version.But why this happened?

  • According to the results of the Mali-offline analysis,I can use the formular: (globalWorkSize * cyclePerShaderCore)/Frequence.

    You also need to divide by shader core count; most implementations are multi-core. In reality you won't get 100% throughput - you will lose something to setup code and cache misses.

    Note that this only works if you are GPU processing limited; the cycle counts cannot factor in the effect of e.g. cache misses or data overheads.

    From an efficiency standpoint, the scalar version of the kernel is higher than the vector version.But why this happened?

    Because this kernel is so simple you are going to be very dependent on memory access patterns and thread scheduling. Small changes in alignment or scheduling can dramatically alter load/store cache efficiency.

  • Thank you very much for your help!