Does the DVFS of mali400mp make sense?
My platform is ODROID, which equipped with the mali400mp GPU.
I tried to find out how the GPU affect the power consumption of the platform.
The CPU frequency and bus frequency were all fixed.
The mali400mp GPU only supplies two available frequency. They are 160MHz and 267MHz, and their corresponding voltage are 950000 and 1000000 respectively.
mali_dvfs_table mali_dvfs[MALI_DVFS_STEPS]={ /*step 0*/{160 ,1000000 , 950000}, /*step 1*/{267 ,1000000 ,1000000} };
I compared the power consumption of ODROID under different GPU frequencies by fixing them one by one when playing 3D games.
But the power conumption of ODROID varied slightly (less than 5%).
I don't think the result is resonable. Because if less than 5% power saving is achieved, why GPU DVFS ?
According to the papers I have investigated, the power consumption of GPU should be increasingly significant.
But our results show that the power consumption of GPU only occupies a tiny percentage of the platorm's power consumption.
Are there any problems in my experiments ?
Thank you very much.
Beilei Sun