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Galaxy s2 Arm 400 Not able to use MGD -Preload not working

Am Trying to Use MGD(Mali Graphics Debugger)
When i try to "export LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/intercept/" as per the Document
"Could not load needed library '' for ''"

and if i try to Libdl.s0.2 it depends and Finally End up in this Error is not a valid ELF object.

Am using the Latest Version "Mali Graphics Debugger v1.2.1"

Target Device Details :

  • Device : Galaxy s2
  • Android Version : 4.1.2
  • Kernel : 3.0.31

Note :

used the Methind 8.1.4 Mentioned in the user Document too as Below:

  • "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/intercept/dir/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • MGD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/original/drivers/dir/ "

I tried Having Both Processlist.cfg & not having the same still No Trace is Generated.

If i dont use Pre load it ll Connect to the Port and No Trace is Generated .Please Help me to Resolve them.

Thanks in Advance