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Mali Graphics Debugger : makes crash application

Hello ARM Community,

I am trying to use the mali graphics debbuger on an android device Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8" SM_T310 powered by an ARM gpu.

I've managed to install the library and mgddaemon on the device. But as soon as I change the egl.cfg file to use the mgd lib (which I had to rename to be found by my device)

all application I start crash after a black screen.

In the debugger, the connection with the deamon is ok. It manages to capture one frame, which I put the trace in attachment, before the device app crashes.

The tab is running under Android 4.2.2 and has been factory reset right before doing all the manipulations for mali graphics debugger.

The version of the Mali Graphics Debugger is

Could anyone help me on this problem? Is it a known issue on this tab?

Thank you in advance!
  • Bit of an update, the core issue here is that recent ROMs for certain Samsung devices remove the ability to load monolithic libraries, and they instead only look for the fragmented libEGL_mgd, libGLESv2_mgd, and libGLESv1_CM_mgd libraries. The solution therefore is to create symlinks from these to libGLES_mgd and the problem should be solved. There are some separate issues on the Tab3 apparently but this has worked fine on everything else I've tested it on, so let us know if you hit troubles. These steps will be included in the user guide going forward also, so if you're getting here from google be sure to check that for up-to-date instructions and troubleshooting.

  • Bit of an update, the core issue here is that recent ROMs for certain Samsung devices remove the ability to load monolithic libraries, and they instead only look for the fragmented libEGL_mgd, libGLESv2_mgd, and libGLESv1_CM_mgd libraries. The solution therefore is to create symlinks from these to libGLES_mgd and the problem should be solved. There are some separate issues on the Tab3 apparently but this has worked fine on everything else I've tested it on, so let us know if you hit troubles. These steps will be included in the user guide going forward also, so if you're getting here from google be sure to check that for up-to-date instructions and troubleshooting.

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