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Chrombook OpenCL Development issues

Hi all,

I have gotten a Samsung Chromebook model number Xe303c12 and I am trying to get some OpenCL code running.

I have followed the "Graphics and Compute Development on Samsung Chromebook" (including disabling CONFIG_SECURITY_CHROMIUMOS) and have been able to boot to linux on the Chromebook.  My issue is that I see no network at all, either via the apple USB dongle or the wireless.  The devices don't even seem to exist so far as linux is concerned.  Trying to install the USB device via modprobe gives an "Operation not permitted" error on usbnet.ko.

Has anyone gotten networking to work?  If so how? 

If anyone is willing to share a working sdcard image that would be fantastic.  To be honest I got sick of building the linux kernel sometime in the 90s.



P.S.  I don't see OpenCL headers.  Can I just copy them from a working system?