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etcpack error when compress png

I am a freshman of Graphic.

I need to compress a lot of "png" files to "ktx" format,so i used the command-line version of the Texture Compression Tool, but it seems not to work well.

The command i used was "ectpack 1.png  myImages".

It did not work, given the following output.


[malitc-1]Compressing. Output file: myImages\1.pkm

无效参数 - tmp.ppm

Error: could not convert input image 1.png to .ppm


Some extra informations are:

1 the version of tool is “Mali Texture Compression Tool v4.0.0“

2 the operating system is Windows 7, Service Pack 1

3 The GUI works well when compress ".png" file

4 The command "ectpack 1.ppm  myImages" works well

I guess that the etcpack first comvert the ”.png“ to ".ppm", then compress the ”.ppm" file, but the conversion from ".png" to ".ppm" seems failed.

I did not know why.

Is there any guy who has the same problem?  I need help.