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How does an individual get started?

Note: This was originally posted on 31st May 2010 at


I am an eager hobbyist coder who has been enjoying the world of embedded devices for a long time not realizing just how simple it would be to make my own software.   I have been working on some personal media collection jukebox style software for awhile but designed mainly to run on other existing retail products and I would like to take this to the next level..

The problem I'm running into is getting someone to talk with me so I can pick up a development board and run with it..   I really have no issues with NDA agreements, I've signed a ton of them over the years with companies that well I cannot say because of the agreements.  I also have no problems with the expense to purchase a dev kit.

Unless my research is seriously flawed, can someone point me in the correct direction for how I would go about getting started?  I really like to specs on the mali chipset and think I can use it to do some exciting things..
