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Driver compile with profiling option

Note: This was originally posted on 10th May 2012 at


I am trying to use Mali GPU performance analyzer.

At first, I thought that performance analyzer can be connected to target embedded device by installing "" library file to target embedded platform.

But it didn't work.

In user guide, there is a requirement that an instrumented driver should be used for profiling.

Does it mean Mali Linux kernel device driver should be compiled with profiling option? (USING_PROFILING in Makefile)

When I try this, I get error messages.

FIrst,  mali_cinstr_profiling_events_m200.h header file doesn't exist , it is included by mali_kernel_profiling.h

And some undeclared define values make problem

drivers/media/video/samsung/mali/common/mali_kernel_MALI200.c:646: error: 'MALI_PROFILING_EVENT_TYPE_START' undeclared (first use in this function)

drivers/media/video/samsung/mali/common/mali_kernel_MALI200.c:718: error: 'MALI_PROFILING_EVENT_TYPE_STOP' undeclared (first use in this function)