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Mali user-space drivers

Note: This was originally posted on 27th December 2011 at


From what I understand, each ARM licensee provides their own Linux user-space Mali drivers. I assume the sentence "To build a functional OpenGL ES or OpenVG driver you need access to the  full source code of the Mali DDK, which is provided under the standard  ARM commercial licence [sic] to all Mali GPU customers." from pages like Mali Drivers refers to these user-space drivers.

I haven't been able to find any open-source userspace drivers for Mali. Does the ARM commercial license prohibit releasing them?

I'm interested in using ARM-based boards for development; most of the ones I'm interested in have Mali graphics. But I am not planning on running Linux or Android. As a start, I would like to get a hardware-accelerated video driver for OpenBSD.

I assume most of the Mali user-space code from the different vendors is generic based on what is provided by ARM. Is there a way to release this code? If not, what does it take to get the source code under the ARM commercial license so I can do a clean-room reverse engineered version?

Thank you,
Vladimir Sedach