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how or where to get full source code of the Mali DDK

Note: This was originally posted on 26th July 2012 at

4.3 Building the Mali DDK for X.Org
The client API libraries can be built to support X.Org by including
"linux-x11-ump" in the variant string. An example of such a variant string can
be VARIANT="mali400-gles20-gles11-linux-x11-ump"

You will also have to edit driver/Makefile_x11.mak to reflect your system. A
complete development setup for X Window System is required, including
development header files and precompiled libraries.

The process of building the Mali DDK, including client API libraries and device
drivers are otherwise the same as building for regular Linux.

Copy your libraries into the system library folder, typically /usr/lib or
/usr/local/lib. Make sure that file permissions allows read and execute.

Can anyone tell me how or where I can get full source code of the Mali DDK?