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OpenCL on Samsung Chromebook Mali-T604 (Chrubuntu OR ChromeOS)

Note: This was originally posted on 19th February 2013 at

Question: How to get OpenCL drivers installed on either Chrubuntu or ChromeOS?

Background: I am able to successfully compile and execute OpenCL code  (using Chrubuntu on sdcard + Mali SDK + Code::Blocks) but every  example/sample and simple 'hello, world' app returns an error when using  clGetPlatformIDs. The code compiles and runs just fine, but I'm not  getting a CL_SUCCESS so I am thinking this must mean there is no proper  driver.

For example,

cl_int err;
cl_platform_is platform_id = NULL;
err = clGetPlatformIDs(1,&platform_id,NULL);

returns 2123707424

Any help is appreciated.


Todd Thompson