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How is the process of compiling mali.ko and ump.ko?


since I'm not the only one who has problems with recompiling the Mali needed modules, to patch my kernel, I'm asking how the process looks when the mali.ko and the ump.ko get compiled.

What about the revision number r3p0 or

My self compiled mali modules end everytime with this:


[ 12.246252@0] Mali<2>: Session starting
[ 12.246390@0] Mali<2>: No handler for ioctl 0xC0048203 0x40D57B3C
[ 12.251389@0] Mali<2>: Session has ended


It's so hard annoying.

The already existing modules show this:


[   11.849591@1] Mali<2>: Session starting
[   11.920605@0] init: starting 'bootanim'
[   11.921897@1] init: 'bootanim' (pid: 3238) started
[   12.049658@1] Mali<2>: Session starting


Just for sure, I've recompiled the dhd.ko for wifi and put it into the /system/lib/ and the old one I just renamed to dhd.ko_old. It's working, but what the heck can't the mali.ko and ump.ko work?

Please help me, I believe now that the mali modules can't get recompiled because they contain some property stuff.

I'm hard annoyed.

Regards from Germany,
