Placing SystemInit() before scatterload OR (at least) configuring scatterload not jumping to main


my project targets an STM32H753BI Cortex-M7. Using Keil MDK I had several problems with startup which all finally pointed to SRAM1 to SRAM3 not clocked on startup.

The clocks could be activated by defining "DATA_IN_D2_SRAM=1". This will tell the system startup code file "system_stm32h7xx.c" to include the code section for SRAM clock activation in SystemInit().
But now this renders useless, since the linker puts the scatterloader right after the vector table and the scatterloader then directly jumps to main. This results in SystemInt() never executed (see disassembly below).

Is there a possiblity to insert the scatterload after SystemInit()?
Or at least  - if ths isn't possible - to tell the scatterloader algorithm not to jump to main?

Thanks a lot


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