is there a special ID interrupt for a software interrupt in the compiler?
I am trying to pass information from one application to another by using an interrupt.
any information will be appreciated
Thank you
Fausto Bartra
That's a big can or worms you're opening up, since only a very limited amount of the 8051 context is automatically stacked as a result of interrupts and there is no software interrupt that I am aware of.
See also: RTX51 Tiny Real-Time Operating System which is included only with the PK51 Professional Developer's Kit.
In any event, you can fake an ISR in code by finding a hardware module you are not using and setting's its interrupt bit. I doubt this works for every hardware module, but the UART0 is one example that works (assuming you aren't using UART0):
TI0 = 1; // Fake an ISR. (SWI)