I'm trying to build with ARM cortex M33 with basic "hello" in debug mode .Build is fine but when I try to debug a project keeps saying " Error: Target Driver not specified .Debugger aborted !"
I Updated all the packs and drivers twice but it keep showing same .Does anyone experienced like these and could you please share any solution0 ?
I have moved your question to the Keil forum
I recommend comparing your settings with an example project offered by the Pack Installer, like the CMSIS-RTOS2 Blinky:
What type of debug connection are you using?
Go to Options > Debug, and see which is selected in the Use pulldown (upper right corner).
Actually i want to debug a code in Cortex M33 but whenever I'm clicking on start Debug using simulator ,showing that error .
That issue is cleared..
In Cortex M33 instead of using Simulator use Models ARMv8-M Debugger and modify the settings