Cannot enter debug


The Problem:
I have a custom board made with the Infineon 4800 series processor. I’m working in Keil uVision studio IDE, and the debug adapter is a ULINK2. Previously I was able to debug and flash my code fine via the ULINK, however it suddenly stopped working. Nothing was changed in the hardware setup before it stopped working. I can confirm that all ports are wired correctly, and that the ULINK adapter works properly (flashed a separate dev kit to confirm this).

What I’ve Tried:

I had one more custom board with a Blinky application loaded available. I attempted to flash the new code on that board, however I could not access debug mode once again. This suggests that it is not a software related issue.
I also tried all possible options for the connect & reset debug settings, but no success. I have also tried to lower the clock speed in the debug settings, but that also did not work.

The connection between the ULINK2 and Infineon processor is all completely fine, so I don’t understand why this is happening. I have attached an image with the error message displayed before my debugger stopped working.

