Linker not working correctly when manually managing placement

I use a non-commercial license in Keil.

I have the following linker script

LOAD1 0x08000000 8192 {
  ROOT 0x08000000 8192 {
    *.o (RESET, +first)
    .any (+ro)
  RAM1 0x20000000 UNINIT 16 {
  RAM2 0x20000010 20464 {
    .any (+rw, +zi)

LOAD2 0x0800FC00 1024 {
  ROM 0x0800FC00 UNINIT 1024 {
    *.o (.bss.nvmConfig)

I searched for the syntax for defining uninitialized sections of the linker script in the official source

The project contains several files, one of which defines a structure with manual placement in a section (boot.c)

static struct {
  char key[8];
  u32  entryFlags;
} volatile BootInfo __attribute__((section(".bss.bootInfo")));

Another file can_bootloader.c defines a structure with the same name and automatic placement

static struct {
  u32 isConnected       :  1,
      isWBufFillingMode :  1,
                        : 30;
  u32 wBufOffset;
  u8  wBuf[WBUF_SIZE];
  u32 memoryOffset;
} BootInfo;

On optimizations without LTO, the linker returns an error

Error: L6220E: Execution region RAM1 size (56 bytes) exceeds limit (16 bytes). Region contains 0 bytes of padding and 0 bytes of veneers (total 0 bytes of linker generated content).

Error: L6221E: Execution region RAM1 with Execution range [0x20000000,0x20000038) overlaps with Execution region RAM2 with Execution range [0x20000010,0x20001050).

In this case, the contents of the map file

BootInfo 0x20000000 Data 44 can_bootloader.o(.bss.BootInfo)

BootInfo 0x2000002c Data 12 boot.o(.bss.bootInfo)

It is clear that the linker has reordered the logical affiliation of the structures and tried to place BootInfo from can_bootloader.c in the section that I reserved for BootInfo from boot.c, which is incorrect. In this case, for some reason, the linker does not distort the names to correctly process independent files.

  • Hi Evgeny,

    this situation looks logical, as for BootInfo structure from can_bootloader.c the Compiler has given the section name .bss.BootInfo which the is also covered by your linker-script entry (section name is not case sensitive):

      RAM1 0x20000000 UNINIT 16 {

    The linker does not know that you want section from boot.c before the one with the same name from can_bootloader.c file.

    If you wanted to guarantee that only ".bss.bootInfo" from boot.c is used then you should be more specific in the linker-script, like following:

      RAM1 0x20000000 UNINIT 16 {

  • Hi Evgeny,

    this situation looks logical, as for BootInfo structure from can_bootloader.c the Compiler has given the section name .bss.BootInfo which the is also covered by your linker-script entry (section name is not case sensitive):

      RAM1 0x20000000 UNINIT 16 {

    The linker does not know that you want section from boot.c before the one with the same name from can_bootloader.c file.

    If you wanted to guarantee that only ".bss.bootInfo" from boot.c is used then you should be more specific in the linker-script, like following:

      RAM1 0x20000000 UNINIT 16 {
