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error: L6050U: The code size of this image (83892 bytes) exceeds the maximum allowed for this version of the linker. how can i solve this errors

Build started: Project: Project
*** Warning: The configured compiler version '5.06 update 6 (build 750)' does not support the selected User Based Licensing technology.
*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 6 (build 750)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARM_Compiler_5.05u6\Bin'
Build target 'Y6'
.\Objects\TDOGUIV1_0.axf: error: L6050U: The code size of this image (83892 bytes) exceeds the maximum allowed for this version of the linker.
Finished: 0 information, 0 warning, 0 error and 1 fatal error messages.
".\Objects\TDOGUIV1_0.axf" - 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
Target not created.
Build Time Elapsed: 00:00:00