Trouble Shooting Via Error Codes in Keil 5

I am a newbie for about ten years now, off and on, so I've forgotten so much. I do my Build in Keil for the TI Launchpad Board and I get, on a horizontal pane, at the bottom , a list of warnings and error codes that I cannot make any sense of. First of all, Warnings aren't, that I know of , going to stop a Build. In my case however, I'm getting a tsunami of warnings that bury my one or two errors like a needle in a haystack. I have no idea why keil does that, mingling errors with warnings. Can I suppress the warnings for now, so I have a chance at trouble shooting the errors ? I did find a listing of error codes that attempts, in chart form, to demystify the error codes which, to me at least are so cryptic I haven't a clue what they mean. Here is an example of what I mean, with a warning. I cannot even find the errors. To me this is just meaningless ... 

C:/Users/Binky/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/ARM/CMSIS-DSP/1.14.4/Source/TransformFunctions/arm_cfft_radix2_init_q31.c(138): warning: cast from 'const unsigned short *' to 'unsigned short *' drops const qualifier [-Wcast-qual]
S->pBitRevTable = (uint16_t *) & armBitRevTable[7];

  • I don't see what ""C:/Users/Binky/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/ARM/CMSIS-DSP/1.14.4/Source/TransformFunctions/arm_cfft_radix2_init_q31.c(138):S->pBitRevTable = (uint16_t *) & armBitRevTable[7]; "" has to do with the C language ?


    is just the full path name of the file, and the number in brackets is the line number.

    S->pBitRevTable = (uint16_t *) & armBitRevTable[7]; 

    Is the line of code to which the message refers.

    It would also be nice to have it presented in an organized way, segregated Errors from Warnings

    Some IDEs do this; eg, Eclipse and MSVC.

    But it's not a panacea: as previously noted, it's often the case that a warning can lead to a later error - so separating them often causes more confusion!

    Yes I understand your explanation but I can't go running to others every time I do a build

    So which parts did you find unclear - wasn't all the rest of it just C terminology?

  • I don't see what ""C:/Users/Binky/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/ARM/CMSIS-DSP/1.14.4/Source/TransformFunctions/arm_cfft_radix2_init_q31.c(138):S->pBitRevTable = (uint16_t *) & armBitRevTable[7]; "" has to do with the C language ?


    is just the full path name of the file, and the number in brackets is the line number.

    S->pBitRevTable = (uint16_t *) & armBitRevTable[7]; 

    Is the line of code to which the message refers.

    It would also be nice to have it presented in an organized way, segregated Errors from Warnings

    Some IDEs do this; eg, Eclipse and MSVC.

    But it's not a panacea: as previously noted, it's often the case that a warning can lead to a later error - so separating them often causes more confusion!

    Yes I understand your explanation but I can't go running to others every time I do a build

    So which parts did you find unclear - wasn't all the rest of it just C terminology?
