Trouble Shooting Via Error Codes in Keil 5

I am a newbie for about ten years now, off and on, so I've forgotten so much. I do my Build in Keil for the TI Launchpad Board and I get, on a horizontal pane, at the bottom , a list of warnings and error codes that I cannot make any sense of. First of all, Warnings aren't, that I know of , going to stop a Build. In my case however, I'm getting a tsunami of warnings that bury my one or two errors like a needle in a haystack. I have no idea why keil does that, mingling errors with warnings. Can I suppress the warnings for now, so I have a chance at trouble shooting the errors ? I did find a listing of error codes that attempts, in chart form, to demystify the error codes which, to me at least are so cryptic I haven't a clue what they mean. Here is an example of what I mean, with a warning. I cannot even find the errors. To me this is just meaningless ... 

C:/Users/Binky/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/ARM/CMSIS-DSP/1.14.4/Source/TransformFunctions/arm_cfft_radix2_init_q31.c(138): warning: cast from 'const unsigned short *' to 'unsigned short *' drops const qualifier [-Wcast-qual]
S->pBitRevTable = (uint16_t *) & armBitRevTable[7];

  • I wish the folks who write these IDE's would stop using such cryptic codes.

    The message comes from the Compiler rather than the IDE.

    The compiler does assume that the user is familiar with the C language and its terminology.

    I guess the IDE could, indeed, expand on the compiler's terse/technical message.

    Did my explanation make sense? Do you now understand that warning? Anything else need clarification?

  • I wish the folks who write these IDE's would stop using such cryptic codes.

    The message comes from the Compiler rather than the IDE.

    The compiler does assume that the user is familiar with the C language and its terminology.

    I guess the IDE could, indeed, expand on the compiler's terse/technical message.

    Did my explanation make sense? Do you now understand that warning? Anything else need clarification?
