Warning -Wpadded in STM32WBAxx HAL compilation

Ciao Everyone,

I've readen many pages about this topics, but I've not found any response for my issue.

I'm actually triyng to make a porting of a my application from an MCU STM32F103x to an MCU STM32WBA5xx using Keil_v5, using version 6 of arm compiler, and I encounter an issue compiling the ST HAL libraries

I get some warnings about hal compilation, for example of type

...src\STM32WBAxx\stm32wbaxx_ll_rtc.h(113): warning: padding size of 'LL_RTC_TimeTypeDef' with 1 byte to alignment boundary [-Wpadded]

If I try to see under compiler setting I found that all warnings are enabled.

Please can indicate me how to turn off the Wpadded warnings?

Thanks a lot for help

Best regards