RTOS Memory Management and error: no member named 'IP' in 'NVIC_Type' error



I am a newbie to use RTOS and Ethernet networks with CMSIS function and RTOS2 API. I used STM32 MCUs with bare metal structure but the RTOS is something amazing.

First: I have updated all my packages to the latest version and my previous program that worked fine now it is now facing this error:

C:/Users/Volter/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/Keil/STM32F1xx_DFP/2.4.1/Device/StdPeriph_Driver/src/misc.c(131): error: no member named 'IP' in 'NVIC_Type'
  131 |     NVIC->IP[NVIC_InitStruct->NVIC_IRQChannel] = tmppriority;


So I have some questions and I would be grateful if you could explain them to me. I can start the TCO/UDP protocol on my STM32f107 MCU and now I need to deepen my understanding.

I used the default values of RTOS configuration in the RTX_Config.H

OS_DYNAMIC_MEM_SIZE         32768

OS_STACK_SIZE               3072

And Network System Settings in NET_CONFIG.c

#define NET_MEM_POOL_SIZE    12000

And Startup settings in startup_stm32f10x_cl.s

Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400

Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200


  1. Does the memory pool size of network settings use the OS_DYNAMIC_MEM_SIZE in the RTX_Config.H file (32768-12000)=20768? Or it is independent. How can I find the maximum value of accessible RAM for the OS_DYNAMIC_MEM_SIZE variable?
  2. As I changed the default values of the stack or heap of startup( about twice(400Hex to 800hex ) ) these errors came to me:


.\Objects\TCP.axf: Error: L6406E: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching net_config.o(.bss.udp_scb).

.\Objects\TCP.axf: Error: L6406E: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching emac_stm32f10x.o(.bss.tx_desc).

.\Objects\TCP.axf: Error: L6406E: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching net_config.o(.bss.os.mutex.cb).

.\Objects\TCP.axf: Error: L6406E: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching net_sys.o(.bss).

.\Objects\TCP.axf: Error: L6406E: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching rtx_lib.o(.bss.os.msgqueue.cb).

Why does this happen for these small values?

  1. What is “OS Resource Settings” in Net_Config_ETH_0.h? What is the best value for this OS Resource Settings?
  2. What is the Priority value of RTOS and Network APIs regarding the NVIC table? Because I need to call different interrupts and I need to set them as less or higher priority for them.
  3. I didn’t use the source code of CMSIS core or RTOS library (I used the library form from the Run time environment window), But I still get this error to see the RTOS threads while the watermark is enabled.


I've updated my packages to








And set all of them in the Run time environment window but I receive this error:!!!

 error: no member named 'IP' in 'NVIC_Type'

I appreciate your help and explanations.