uVision 5.39 C++ class template autocomplete/intellisense


While trying out some C++ code within uVision, I have noticed that the autocomplete/intellisense does not work for template types.

Are there any plans to improve the autocomplete/intellisense in uVision such that it works also for C++ template types?

  • After preparing a project to test with, and running a number of tests with MDK5.38a and MDK5.39...


    Intellisense works for the scenario if I use:

    MDK5.38a with ACOMPE 6.19 (default for MDK5.38a)
    MDK5.38a with ACOMPE 6.21 (from standalone install)
    MDK5.39 with ACOMPE 6.19 (standalone)
    MDK5.39 with ACOMPE 6.20 (standalone)
    MDK5.39 with ACOMPE 6.20.1 (standalone)

    But NOT with MDK5.39 with ACOMPE 6.21 (included with MDK)

    Comparing the compiler binaries show that the ACOMPE 6.21 included with MDK5.39 is not identical to the standalone.

    Project archive can be found at InSenTest.zip
    If necessary I will provide it through other means as well.

    In the project, to repro, open test1.cpp, erase the line with a.B(); and type a. manually and no intellisense pops up with MDK5.39 with ACOMPE 6.21 as included with MDK.

  • After preparing a project to test with, and running a number of tests with MDK5.38a and MDK5.39...


    Intellisense works for the scenario if I use:

    MDK5.38a with ACOMPE 6.19 (default for MDK5.38a)
    MDK5.38a with ACOMPE 6.21 (from standalone install)
    MDK5.39 with ACOMPE 6.19 (standalone)
    MDK5.39 with ACOMPE 6.20 (standalone)
    MDK5.39 with ACOMPE 6.20.1 (standalone)

    But NOT with MDK5.39 with ACOMPE 6.21 (included with MDK)

    Comparing the compiler binaries show that the ACOMPE 6.21 included with MDK5.39 is not identical to the standalone.

    Project archive can be found at InSenTest.zip
    If necessary I will provide it through other means as well.

    In the project, to repro, open test1.cpp, erase the line with a.B(); and type a. manually and no intellisense pops up with MDK5.39 with ACOMPE 6.21 as included with MDK.

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