I use pac25140 (arm cortex M4+) for my project. When I add a while(1) loop and start debug. The program is in while loop after that Keil-arm is not responding.
int main(void){ // Disable global interrupts __disable_irq();
board_init(); __disable_irq();while(1){;}}
Andy nguyen said:The program is in while loop after that Keil-arm is not responding.
What do you mean with '… is not responding"? When you step over the 'while(1) {;}' line, the µVision debugger will show that the target application is running and you should be able to stop the debugger. When you 'single step' on this line, the µVision debugger will stay on this line.
Hi Hans,
Sorry for my late respond.
I deal with my issue by set a dummy command line in the while loop.
while (1)
dummy ++;
You still did not explain what you mean with '… is not responding". I don't know how incrementing a dummy variable helps you in any way.
HI Hans,
That is the Keil-ARM notification not responding. !
I would need an example project to duplicate this issue. Please open a support case and attach your complete project.