Keil J-tag Automatically Generated ini Syntax Error

Hello kind forum user,

I am trying to debug an ADUCM355 over a J-link using serial wire debug in Keil. The following is produced in the console.

Is the debugging failing due to the syntax error in the JLinkSettings.ini file? This file was generated by the IDE. Any work arounds for this?

  • It sounds like you are using this board

    There are CMSIS-PACK examples for the ADUCCM355 Series. I would test one of those examples and see if it works better for you.

    Open the Pack installer, C:\Keil_v5\uv4\PackInstaller.exe

    - On the top left of the window, for "Search", type "ADUCCM355" - the list below gets filtered.
    - Select the device (entry with a green icon) from the list below – on the right side of the dialog updates with Software Packs relevant to this device.
    - For the "Packs" tab, install the AnalogDevices:ADUCCM355_DFP pack (if necessary).
    - On the top right of the screen, select the yellow "Examples" tab.
    - On the "M355_Flash(Eval-ADuCM355QSPZ)" row, click the "copy" button - a dialog pops up.
    - Pick a directory, click both the check boxes, and press OK - a new Keil µVision session opens with the example.
    - Build the project, Connect a USB cable to the board and start the debugger.


    This article might help with J-Link script files
    If so, this may be useful:

    Finally, on the Project -> Options For Target ->Debug tab, make sure the radio button "Use Simulator" is NOT selected.

  • It sounds like you are using this board

    There are CMSIS-PACK examples for the ADUCCM355 Series. I would test one of those examples and see if it works better for you.

    Open the Pack installer, C:\Keil_v5\uv4\PackInstaller.exe

    - On the top left of the window, for "Search", type "ADUCCM355" - the list below gets filtered.
    - Select the device (entry with a green icon) from the list below – on the right side of the dialog updates with Software Packs relevant to this device.
    - For the "Packs" tab, install the AnalogDevices:ADUCCM355_DFP pack (if necessary).
    - On the top right of the screen, select the yellow "Examples" tab.
    - On the "M355_Flash(Eval-ADuCM355QSPZ)" row, click the "copy" button - a dialog pops up.
    - Pick a directory, click both the check boxes, and press OK - a new Keil µVision session opens with the example.
    - Build the project, Connect a USB cable to the board and start the debugger.


    This article might help with J-Link script files
    If so, this may be useful:

    Finally, on the Project -> Options For Target ->Debug tab, make sure the radio button "Use Simulator" is NOT selected.

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