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Pack Installer won't install pack

I'm trying to install the TI MSPM0L11XX_L13XX_DFP.1.2.1pack using the Pack Installer (uVision 5.39) and I get the following error:

What could cause this? 


  • Since MDK 5.39, the Pack Installer is based on the CMSIS-Toolbox. These tools seem to be a bit more sensitive against mistakes in the pack description file (*.pdsc). This pack uses a wrong character (back-slash instead of forward-slash) in the path to the license file.

    I will inform Texas Instruments about this.

    Meanwhile you could use one of these workarounds:

    • Use the Pack Installer of MDK 5.38a
    • Use the command-line tool C:\Keil_v5\UV4\PackUnzip.exe. Once you tried to install this pack, the pack file "TexasInstruments.MSPM0L11XX_L13XX_DFP.1.2.1.pack" should already be in the "\Pack\.Download' folder. Open a Windows Command Prompt and start PackUnzip.exe with the pack as a parameter:
      C:\Keil_v5\UV4\PackUnzip.exe \YourPackFolder\.Download\TexasInstruments.MSPM0L11XX_L13XX_DFP.1.2.1.pack
    • You can fix the pack the following way: In your Pack/.Download folder, you should see the file "TexasInstruments.MSPM0L11XX_L13XX_DFP.1.2.1.pack". Remove the 'Read-Only flag', open this zip file (pack= zip file) with 7-Zip (or the like) and open the file TexasInstruments.MSPM0L11XX_L13XX_DFP.1.2.1.pdsc in an editor. In line 9 you find the path to the license.txt file as '01_Pack\license.txt'. Replace the back-slash with a forward-slash and save the file into the zip file. Then you can use the button 'Unpack' next to the version 1.2.1 of this pack to install it.
  • Since MDK 5.39, the Pack Installer is based on the CMSIS-Toolbox. These tools seem to be a bit more sensitive against mistakes in the pack description file (*.pdsc). This pack uses a wrong character (back-slash instead of forward-slash) in the path to the license file.

    I will inform Texas Instruments about this.

    Meanwhile you could use one of these workarounds:

    • Use the Pack Installer of MDK 5.38a
    • Use the command-line tool C:\Keil_v5\UV4\PackUnzip.exe. Once you tried to install this pack, the pack file "TexasInstruments.MSPM0L11XX_L13XX_DFP.1.2.1.pack" should already be in the "\Pack\.Download' folder. Open a Windows Command Prompt and start PackUnzip.exe with the pack as a parameter:
      C:\Keil_v5\UV4\PackUnzip.exe \YourPackFolder\.Download\TexasInstruments.MSPM0L11XX_L13XX_DFP.1.2.1.pack
    • You can fix the pack the following way: In your Pack/.Download folder, you should see the file "TexasInstruments.MSPM0L11XX_L13XX_DFP.1.2.1.pack". Remove the 'Read-Only flag', open this zip file (pack= zip file) with 7-Zip (or the like) and open the file TexasInstruments.MSPM0L11XX_L13XX_DFP.1.2.1.pdsc in an editor. In line 9 you find the path to the license.txt file as '01_Pack\license.txt'. Replace the back-slash with a forward-slash and save the file into the zip file. Then you can use the button 'Unpack' next to the version 1.2.1 of this pack to install it.