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osThreadNew returning NULL

I have some code that calls osThreadNew() and this new thread will do some stuff using mbedTLS and then call osThreadTerminate().

This code has worked OK for the last few years.  However, the code is now using mbed TLS to perform certificate and signature verification. The thread works OK the first time but thereafter osThreadNew() returns NULL.

I have looked at the RTX RTOS window and the task count and stack usage is well withing the configured limits so I'm not sure why the thread is not being created. I'm presuming memory corruption.

Is there any way to determine why osThreadNew returns NULL (i.e. error code) - just returning NULL isn't very helpful.


  • Hi TIA,

    you can always use the source variant of the RTX5 in your project. Just switch to this in the Manage Run-Time Environment. Then you can single-step the osThreadNew() to find out, why it fails.