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Pin Diagram of LPC2148

1.Why in the Pin diagram of LPC2148 P0.24,26 and 27 are available to user

2. Why the pins P1.0 to P1.15 also unavailable to user

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  • Maybe datasheet would help, it says:

    Port 0: Port 0 is a 32-bit I/O port with individual direction controls for
    each bit. Total of 31 pins of the Port 0 can be used as a general
    purpose bidirectional digital I/Os while P0.31 is output only pin. The
    operation of port 0 pins depends upon the pin function selected via the
    pin connect block.
    Pins P0.24, P0.26 and P0.27 are not available.


    Port 1: Port 1 is a 32-bit bidirectional I/O port with individual direction
    controls for each bit. The operation of port 1 pins depends upon the
    pin function selected via the pin connect block. Pins 0 through 15 of
    port 1 are not available.