I am bamboozled since Its freshly committed code that I recompiled with no changes.
Here's the sequence of error messages from the compile:
Build startedUsing toolchain ARM_STD profile {'ENV': {'ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE': '8224@'}, 'PATHS': {'ARMC6_PATH': '/opt/ARMCompiler6.15.13/bin/', 'ARM_PATH': '/opt/armcc5_06_u6/'}, 'common': ['-c', '--gnu', '-O3', '-Otime', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'], 'cxx': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'], 'COMPILE_C_AS_CPP': False, 'NEW_SCAN_RESOURCES': True}scan /tmp/chroots/ch-eeb8b960-7e67-47ab-b2a9-3b545edcc1d4/srcscan /tmp/chroots/ch-eeb8b960-7e67-47ab-b2a9-3b545edcc1d4/extras/mbed-os.libConfiguration error: 'static_memory_defines' is not defined.link irrig.LPC1768Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol __asm___23_NanostackRfPhyAtmel_cpp_b3c216a9___Z10delay_loopj (referred from ../../build/mbed-os/components/802.15.4_RF/atmel-rf-driver/source/NanostackRfPhyAtmel.LPC1768.o).Finished: 0 information, 0 warning and 1 error messages.Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol __asm___23_NanostackRfPhyAtmel_cpp_b3c216a9___Z10delay_loopj (referred from ../../build/mbed-os/components/802.15.4_RF/atmel-rf-driver/source/NanostackRfPhyAtmel.LPC1768.o).Finished: 0 information, 0 warning and 1 error messages.Internal error.Build failedBuild failed
This might be a Linker error (because of 'Internal error"). I see that you are using the compiler toolchain version 6.15. Did you try a newer version like 6.19 or 6.20? If this error also happens with the latest 6.20, please raise a support case.
Thanks, Hans. Today I did the build with no changes and it worked. Can't find out how to change the compiler toolchain but I'm up and running again so all's good!