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Issue flashing CC1110


We want to flash a CC1110 product with Keil 5 with a working project, here is some informations.

We have 2 computers :
1) A rather old one using Keil 4, we use this one to flash CC1110 products and it is working well.

2) A much recent computer using Keil 5, we flash STM32 devices and it is also going well.

While migrating all CC1110 projects to the recent computer, going from Keil 4 to Keil 5 seems to be ok.

BUT, we are struggling to flash the CC1110 devices.


We followed Readme.txt instruction of to install the CC1110 driver.

We have this line in C:/Keil_v5/TOOLS.INI :
TDRV10=BIN\SmartRF04Mon.dll ("SmartRF04Mon")

There is no TDRVX duplicate.

We also have the SmartRF04Mon.dll in C:/Keil_v5/C51/BIN/

So, we select ("SmartRF04Mon") in Options for Target --> Utilities --> Use Target Driver for Flash Programming.

Compiling and flashing the device doesn't throw any error, but the device does not work at all. We tried the same device with our old computer, and it worked fine.

Thank you,

  • Hi Hans,

    Thank you for your answer,

    On the other hand, you can download the application image generated by the old PC with the new PC

    Device was working after not compiling the program (untouched by Keil 5 but generated with Keil 4 on old PC) then flash.

    So it seems that the code generation is wrong here.

    After looking to change compilation/linker configuration I didn't find anything interesting, do you have any suggestion on this ?

    If you don't want to modify your old microcontroller application significantly, I would install the same old PK51 version on the new PC as you had on your old PC in order to generate the same executable code.

    I am also using Keil 5 for another project so I just want to be able to switch projects on the same PC with the same Keil version.

  • Hi Hans,

    Thank you for your answer,

    On the other hand, you can download the application image generated by the old PC with the new PC

    Device was working after not compiling the program (untouched by Keil 5 but generated with Keil 4 on old PC) then flash.

    So it seems that the code generation is wrong here.

    After looking to change compilation/linker configuration I didn't find anything interesting, do you have any suggestion on this ?

    If you don't want to modify your old microcontroller application significantly, I would install the same old PK51 version on the new PC as you had on your old PC in order to generate the same executable code.

    I am also using Keil 5 for another project so I just want to be able to switch projects on the same PC with the same Keil version.
