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MDK 5 Network: DHCP offer ignored when relay agent ip is missing

After a customer of us switched to a different device as DHCP-relay-agent, our devices no longer receive an address via DHCP. The only difference we can find when tracing the DHCP-offer is that the relay agent ip-address is empty:

All other devices in the network still receive their addresses via DHCP. Is their a setting in MDK-Network to ignore a missing relay agent ip address or another way to still receive an ip address via DHCP?

  • Which version of MDK-Middleware is being used?

    This issue was fixed in MDK-MW v7.2.0 on 2016-08-11: "Fixed DHCP client to accept DHCP OFFER message if the source IP of the forwarding agent is"

  • Which version of MDK-Middleware is being used?

    This issue was fixed in MDK-MW v7.2.0 on 2016-08-11: "Fixed DHCP client to accept DHCP OFFER message if the source IP of the forwarding agent is"

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