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Different MiscControls statements


In my project I'm using different external libraries. In a special .a lib I get an linking error L6242E: Cannot link object ....a as its attributes are incompatible with the image attributes.

With the misc control statement "--wchar32" the integration of that library works but I got on the other libraries the same problem due to the wchar definition.

So my question: is it possible to specify my control instruction just for a specified library?

e.g. --wchar32 (just for libXY.a)


  • Highly unlikely.  The linker check you tripped over was implemented precisely because this flag makes compiled object files (and by extension, libraries, too) incompatible with each other if they were built with different states of that switch.  Mixing and matching would yield non-working code.

    Therefore the compiler marks every object file with the state of this flag, so the linker can check for this incompatibility.  You'll have to acquire all your binary libraries with the same state of this switch.

  • Highly unlikely.  The linker check you tripped over was implemented precisely because this flag makes compiled object files (and by extension, libraries, too) incompatible with each other if they were built with different states of that switch.  Mixing and matching would yield non-working code.

    Therefore the compiler marks every object file with the state of this flag, so the linker can check for this incompatibility.  You'll have to acquire all your binary libraries with the same state of this switch.
