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Uvision compiling Assembly

While creating and compiling just the ASSEMBLY CODE (no C or C++)

Under Manage Runtime Environment I choose "startup" under Device. This is needed with the Assembly code. However, it forces me to generate this startup code with SMT32CubeMX ! As I understand STM32CUBEMX generates a startup file but includes some C code as well in the project.

However, this also introduces extra main.c under the project which I am not interested in at all. It generates a bunch of warnings (yes they can be ignored but why??) Is there a way to remove main.c and relevant *.h files?

Thank you!

  • Hello AliZ, sorry, but what device are you using? Selecting the Device->Startup" component might not require STM32CubeMX. But in most cases it also adds a system_*_.c file to the project, which I understand you do not want to use.

    So I suggest, select nothing in the RTE Management and add all what you need manually to your project.