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"Error: L6200E: Symbol SystemInit multiply defined" Error

Trying to build my first project in years and am getting the error: ".\Objects\StepperWave.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol SystemInit multiply defined (by system_tm4c123.o and stepperwave.o)."

I have no idea where it is or what that means or how to fix it. Your help is appreciated.

  • Hello Abraxas!

    Well, the error means, your project implements 2 times a function with the same name, which is not allowed in C.

    SystemInit() is part of the CMSIS specification, and by default implemented in the system_device.c file. In your case this is in system_tm4c123.c. The questions is then, why there is another implementation in stepperwave.c? Is this software module written by you? If yes, and you know what to do, remove it from there. Else check with the authors of this software how they intended this should work.

  • Hello Abraxas!

    Well, the error means, your project implements 2 times a function with the same name, which is not allowed in C.

    SystemInit() is part of the CMSIS specification, and by default implemented in the system_device.c file. In your case this is in system_tm4c123.c. The questions is then, why there is another implementation in stepperwave.c? Is this software module written by you? If yes, and you know what to do, remove it from there. Else check with the authors of this software how they intended this should work.

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