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Choose specific MCU over Multiple connected boards at J-Link interface over Debug Option Serial Number (SN)


I want to automate a process to flash and debug from Keil uVision 5 to some Renesas Evalboards. I have multiple boards connected to the PC and I can differ between them over the J-Link Serial Number. I know where I can choose a specific board by hand over this menue

However, if I want to automate things, I can not open these settings and choose something by hand. Is there a way to change the project.uvoptx file in order to fix the jlink serial number a specific project?

The only workaround I see is, that I need to build some hardware with a switch to cut off all boards unless the one under test. This is not my goal and would be a heavy hack to overcome this small issue.

I hope you see my problem and that Arm Keil has a solution for that.

