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Target device mismatch messed up Keil Studio...

Hi all,

I am facing a strange problem... I was working on a project set for STM32F411RE and, by mistake, another project, targeting STM32L432KC was set as active.

Successful compile, I got the warning pop-up telling me the target device was wrong, but I stupidly ignored it and proceeded...

The nucleo board (411RE) obviously did not work after flashing it, and I realized the wrong active project.

I selected the correct project, recompiled successfully for 411RE, but... Studio tells me the target is wrong... Nucleo board corrupted?

I tried to directly copy an old BIN file to the nucleo, and it resulted in successful flashing. I guess the board is OK.

No way to convince Studio that the target device is correct... Is there a setting that could have been modified after my forced flashing with the wrong device?

In addition, if I unplug the nucleo board, I don't get the pop-up for saving the BIN file... Compiling is successful, but no BIN file produced...

Tried with other projects using the same 411RE target, no way... 

Any though?

Thank you!



  • Hello Walter!

    What do you exactly mean with "Studio"? Is it Keil Studio Cloud what you are using?

    If yes, just flashing the wrong project should not change any option of the project for the STM32F411RE. So, it still looks like somehow the board causes the problem. Can you try to force it into System Bootloader mode by setting the BOOT pins accordingly? After a Reset the device should be in some controlled boot mode. Is it then recognized again by Keil Studio Cloud (KSC)?

    Else, do you have the option to try uVision/MDK 5 with this board? Or, do you have another "nucleo board (411RE)" to see, if this gets recognized?