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Problem with NXP AN10866 USB Bootloader and MCB1700 board

I built the sample Secondary USB Bootloader application (no changes) for the MCB1700 board and flashed the bootloader to the board.

I connected the board to my Windows 11 system (using the USB-B connector on the board).  Held down the joystick button and pressed RESET.

Windows "This PC" shows a USB device but nothing is shown as being mounted:

So what did I do wrong?   The joystick switch works OK and the earthy side of the switch measures 100 ohms (R81) to ground.

  • Hello Perdrix,

    I do not know this NXP application note. But one thing you might want to check is the D- and D+ jumper positions. Are they on "DEVICE"?

  • Hi,

    if you see USB Drive that means that USB part is working enough to enumerate the device.
    It looks like the problem is about reading and writing the memory that acts as a media of the USB Device, meaning was there any part that you had to set for USB Disk to use as a buffer.

    Actually, in that memory the USB Bootloader has to have FAT media information that would enable the Host computer to read it as FAT formatted media.
    So, maybe there is a function you need to call on your memory to make FAT information in it after the boot.

    Best regards, Milorad