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Keil uVision5

Good day,

I am using Windows 11 running Keil software, STM32f303ze, when i select the ST-link setting, the software shuts down, I cannot debug it as soon as i debug it shuts down.

Good day,

I am using Windows 11 running Keil software, STM32f303ze, when i select the ST-link setting, the software shuts down, I cannot debug it as soon as i debug it shuts down.

can i please be assisted  Keil uVision5

  • Hello

    Is it only one particular project that is affected? Can you import one of the supplied examples from the CMSIS-Pack supporting the device? Can they connect?

    Does the 'crash' only occur when you attempt to debug the target? What happens, for example, when you click the 'Settings' button (to the right of the pulldown where ST-Link Debugger is selected)? Is the device detected?

    Perhaps you can share the project that causes the failure? It would be best to do this privately to Arm, via a support case (use the support menu above).

    Regards, Ronan

  • Hello

    Is it only one particular project that is affected? Can you import one of the supplied examples from the CMSIS-Pack supporting the device? Can they connect?

    Does the 'crash' only occur when you attempt to debug the target? What happens, for example, when you click the 'Settings' button (to the right of the pulldown where ST-Link Debugger is selected)? Is the device detected?

    Perhaps you can share the project that causes the failure? It would be best to do this privately to Arm, via a support case (use the support menu above).

    Regards, Ronan

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