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Version issues

I am an engineer working with a device from a company that makes flame sensing equipment. I won't bore you with the why and the what but basically the device comes with a bare bones μVision 5 project to construct the API and get you started. I'm more an engineer who can code than a programmer and I'm struggling. The API files are a few years old, the company said they won't update them anytime soon and I'm having trouble porting it to version 6 of the compiler. It was made for version 5. I think I've fixed most of the errors but there is one that I just can't seem to get.

Its a 'Too many arguments to function call - single argument function has six arguments '

I'm assuming that these files work just fine on the correct compiler version. I've fixed all the other errors by finding out the changes in syntax between version 5 and 6 but I can't find anything like that on this error. Can someone tell me if there is something obvious I'm missing. The actual code is on another computer and I don't have it handy at the moment, but I can provide it later if the issue isn't obvious from my description.
