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Absolute path of GPDSC file being written to uvprojx file

I am working on a project that uses a secure boot built by a Keil project. The secure boot uvprojx is shared by multiple applications that run on slightly different hardware. I came across generator packs and loved that they could be used for easily swapping hardware abstraction source. The catch is that I want my GPDSC file to live above the uvprojx file in the directory structure. So the directory structure would look something like this:

├── project
│ └── MyProject.uvprojx
└── MyGeneratorPack.gpdsc

To do this I've defined a simple generator that looks like this:

<package ...>
        <generator id="MyGenerator">
            <gpdsc name="../MyGeneratorPack.gpdsc

The problem is that when this gets placed in the uvprojx file, it adds the path to the GPDSC as an absolute path. We're tracking the uvprojx in git and every time someone clones it, they see the last absolute path that was committed and then it changes as soon as they try to build. This is quite obnoxious since the uvprojx file shows as dirty after every build.

Does anyone know if this is intended behavior or maybe I'm doing something wrong in the way I set everything up?

Thank you for any help anyone can provide!

  • Another issue that I'm facing with GPDSC files is that I can't build from command line while working with them. To build I am having to open Keil, open the RTE manager, and then build. If I don't open the RTE manager then it isn't pulling in the GPDSC at all. 

    This is a problem because I need to script the build process for consistency and also for pipelines.