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How can I debug a new flash algorithm which is not working yet?

I need to flash code into an external HyperFlash (via OctoSPI on STM32H7A3), and I wrote a new flash algorithm. Now this is not working and I need to debug it to fix the problem.

How can this be done???

Thank you for any help!

  • You can test/debug your Flash algorithm by setting up an application that calls all of your Flash programming functions like µVision would do when you start a Flash download.

    Please see the example project in C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Flash\_Template\Test and read the Abstract.txt

    This application should be linked to the RAM area of your microcontroller (like a Flash algorithm would). The module FlashTest.c contains a main-function that calls all your Flash programming functions. You can debug this application in single steps or with breakpoints just like any other application. However, you need to copy your FlashDev.c and FlashPrg.c modules into this project and you need to adapt the RAM addresses according to your microcontroller. The file RAM.ini will also need to be adapted for the right RAM address.

  • You can test/debug your Flash algorithm by setting up an application that calls all of your Flash programming functions like µVision would do when you start a Flash download.

    Please see the example project in C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Flash\_Template\Test and read the Abstract.txt

    This application should be linked to the RAM area of your microcontroller (like a Flash algorithm would). The module FlashTest.c contains a main-function that calls all your Flash programming functions. You can debug this application in single steps or with breakpoints just like any other application. However, you need to copy your FlashDev.c and FlashPrg.c modules into this project and you need to adapt the RAM addresses according to your microcontroller. The file RAM.ini will also need to be adapted for the right RAM address.
