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ulinkprod linux driver

We recently received a trial license for the ARM DS 2022.2 and we installed it on a Linux machine; however, we cannot connect to the ULINKproD from Linux. Perhaps we are in need of a Linux driver, but we are not finding one one to download and use. Our renewal license is delayed for some reason and we will install it on our Windows machine when it arrives as we know that connects to the ULINKProD; but in the meantime we could like to find a ULINKproD Linux driver. Is there one?

  • There is support for ULINKpro and ULINKproD for Linux users of ArmDS( just note, that there is no trace support)
    We talk to the ULINKpro USB device using libusb, so everything is contained in the tools and programs contained in a DS install.

    The one interesting thing that happens during an install of DS (that needs admin privileges in the host PC) is setting up the udev rules for the USB IDs.

  • If it is included in the DS install, it wasn't obvious. A company we are working with sent us a driver they were using and we installed it. The usb-devices command still shows the ULINK as having no driver, but the ARM IDE could now see it. We were able to run. Unfortunately, we are debugging crashes during Linux boot on an A55 and the Linux version of the ARM IDE seems a bit less stable than the Windows version at least for the types of crashes we are seeing. We just received a trial license serial number which we generated a license for the Windows version and will continue our debug there.