I am using Keil Studio and sometimes it goes offline and won't compile. When this happens, I get the error message "The server crashed 5 times in 3 minutes". Does anyone know how to solve this?Thank you in advance.
Please explain your setup, i.e.what is the Windows OS in use?
Do you see the same behaviour with example projects offered?
I am using Windows 10.
Also, the same thing happens with the sample program.
The bottom of the mbed screen says "Offline" and when I click on "Build project" it does not work.
- Is your internet connection stable or do you see any disconnections?
- what is that "mbed screen"? (screenshot)
Internet is stable.I am able to browse other websites, etc.
Sorry, by "mbed screen" I mean Keil Studio.
Hello! Thanks for reporting this. It's a known issue that we're actively working on. I can't give an exact time estimate, but rest assured it's on our radar!- Carey, Studio Team
Hello!Thank you for contacting us.Best regards for your correspondence!
Hello!Currently, I cannot proceed from "Downloading plugins and configuring workspace..." to the development screen.I have been waiting for about an hour.How long will it take for the problem to be fixed?
Are you still having trouble KA.? I'd advise clearing your browser cache, or try loading KSC in a private browser window first. If the issue persists, please check your browser console (usually F12) for any relevant looking errors.Loading can take some time depending on your internet connection, but it should not take an hour.
When I opened it in my private browser, I proceeded to the development screen.Thank you for your response.
Also, I have been using edge, but found that I can use chrome with no problem.