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Cannot use data allocation directives (assembly)

I am writing a program  to check if a given string is a palindrome and it is not running as expected. The code is from a textbook so it's not mine, but I can't understand why it's not running as it should. I actually had the same problem with a different program (which you can see on my stack overflow post here if you want) but I ignored it and moved on. I had the same issue again and I think the  'DCB' and 'DCD' instructions are not doing what they should. The reason I think that is the problem because when I look at the program in the debugger, the memory address that should be holding the string is clear. I don't know how to see what memory address holds a given variable but the address is loaded into r6 so I checked in memory area and its empty? What am I doing wrong?

Here's an image of my debugger window

My target device is an AMRCM7 by the way, and I'm on keil uvision v5.38a and the compiler is ARM compiler v6.19 

Here is my full code:

		AREA myData,DATA
string 	DCB "rats live on no evil star", 0     ; NULL terminator explicitly added

		AREA palindrome,CODE
		EXPORT __main
__main 	PROC
		LDR 	r6, = string	; load address of string in r6

		;Find string length
		MOV 	r1,#0	; len		
		MOV 	r5,r6	;  r5=string
strLen	LDRB 	r2,[r5],#1	;post-index
		CMP 	r2,#0	;Check for NULL character
		ADDNE 	r1,r1,#1
		BNE  	strLen
		;Check palindrome
		SUB 	r1,r1,#1	;len - 1
		ADD		r1,r6,r1	;&str[len-1]. 
		MOV 	r2,r6		;&str. First character of string
cmpStr	LDRB 	r3,[r2],#1 ;Len - 1
		LDRB 	r4,[r1],#-1 ;str[len - 1 - i]
		CMP 	r3,r4
		MOVNE	r0,#0 	;set flag
		BNE		stop
		CMP 	r1,r2
		BLT 	cmpStr
		MOV 	r0,#1
stop	B 		stop	

  • AREA myData,DATA

    I'm not familiar with the ARM/Keil assembler, but if you define a "data segment" in gcc, the compiler/linker will normally assume that that data is in RAM, which means that for a typical flash-based image, you will need startup code to initialize the RAM (eg by copying it from flash.)  (and that looks like what is happening to you...)

    Since in your case the string is constant, you might as well leave it in the CODE section (AREA)

  • AREA myData,DATA

    I'm not familiar with the ARM/Keil assembler, but if you define a "data segment" in gcc, the compiler/linker will normally assume that that data is in RAM, which means that for a typical flash-based image, you will need startup code to initialize the RAM (eg by copying it from flash.)  (and that looks like what is happening to you...)

    Since in your case the string is constant, you might as well leave it in the CODE section (AREA)

No data