I am trying to follow instructions from "A Beginner’s Guide to DesigningEmbedded System Applications onArm Cortex-M Microcontrollers" textbook using Keil Studio Cloud. The idea is to import a project from git into Keil Studio, using the File - Open Project menu. But for me that does not exist. Is there a difference between an "ARM" account and an "mbed" account on this platform? That is the only thing I have thought of that might be the problem. I can open example projects, and the IDE finds my STM32 board just fine.
I found the answer in the release notes.
Hello Cherrice,
Yes, for more clarity, the Import Project option has been renamed. We have updated the documentation accordingly.
If you are working with Mbed, you can check: https://developer.arm.com/documentation/102497/1-5/Work-with-Mbed-projects/Create--import-or-clone-an-Mbed-project/Clone-an-Mbed-project
If you are working with CMSIS, check: https://developer.arm.com/documentation/102497/1-5/Work-with-standalone-CMSIS-projects-and-CMSIS-solutions/Create--import-or-clone-a-standalone-CMSIS-project/Clone-a-CMSIS-project